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2024 State Convention Resolutions
Here is a single payer healthcare resolution being presented at the DFL State Convention. You can also find a letter authored by Senator John Marty on the public option.

2024 Caucus Resolutions

Here are links to resolutions health justice advocates are using to work toward more equitable healthcare here in Minnesota.  You may wish to talk with legislators and delegates in your area to help pass these resolutions in your precinct and, eventually, at the state level.

Save Medicare from Privatization Resolution (DFL)

Universal, Single-Payer Healthcare Resolution (DFL)

Public Programs Direct Payment Resolution (DFL)

Medical Assistance Freedom to Choose Resolution (DFL)

Become a City or County Resolution Advocate!!!

Enacting single-payer universal health care for the state was declared a primary mission by legislators January 26 when they publicly launched a Legislative Caucus for the Minnesota Health Plan (MHP) at a news conference inside the capitol.  Outside, a large crowd of HCAMN supporters celebrated the event in sub-zero weather. 

The legislators are committed to grow the Caucus to get majority votes for the Senate and House MHP  bills, beginning with the 23 Senators (34%) and 35 Representatives (26%) who are already signed on as co-authors.  They now need to see support from local communities and ask for HCAMN’s help.

Because cities, counties, and residents throughout the state can no longer afford commercial health insurance, HCAMN members have answered the call by becoming advocates and getting the City Councils of St. Paul, Duluth, and Osseo to pass the resolution for the MN Health Plan and Medicare for All Act.  (Minneapolis passed a Medicare for All resolution in 2019.)

The Caucus legislators and HCAMN advocates invite you to join them in becoming advocates in your communities.  Learn how by first emailing Don Pylkkanen, don.coact@gmail.com, who will connect you with resources and others in the fight!

Minnesota Health Plan

Learn more about the MN Health Plan and what it means for Minnesotans!

MHP Website