Medicare For All: If Not Now, When?

Here is an important article by Dr.Adam Gaffney president of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP).  He explains lessons from the past that brought about the dynamics of political change.  We must keep pressing the solution, Medicare for All.  

Revenue Data on MN’s Hospital Chains

Kip Sullivan

Kip Sullivan’s reaction to a recent Minneapolis StarTribune article on the tug-of-war between nonprofit hospitals and insurers over efforts to rein in costs.  Plus there is a link to the 24th annual StarTribune list of 100 largest nonprofits in Minnesota dominated by the healthcare sector.

Health Care Administrative Costs in the United States and Canada, 2017

An important updated healthcare financing study has just been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.  The study identifies we have 34.2% administrative waste in the United States healthcare system in 2017 compared with Canada’s 17%.  This result in more than $600 billion excess administrative costs compared with Canada.  Here is a link to the […]

What the Health Care Debate Still Gets Wrong

A decade ago, Harvard surgeon Atul Gawande helped popularize the idea that U.S. health care spending is high because we use too much medicine. He was wrong: it’s the prices, and who pays them.