“Big Pharma: Market Failure” viewing

Thursday, September 20th 6:30 pm
Autumn Grove Park Building
1395 Lydia Ave W
Roseville, MN 55113

Join the Roseville Area Advocates for the Minnesota Health Plan to view the film “Big Pharma: Market Failure” which explores the problem of extreme drug prices in the US and how the drug costs impact the public, businesses and the overall US economy.

Bring along friends who own or operate businesses to watch this documentary as it makes an effective business case for realizable change. This movie digs deep to answer key questions: How much do pharma companies really spend on research and development of truly innovative drugs? Do “free market” principles impact on drug prices and help control cost? Do the normal rules of business apply to the pharma industry? How do TV ads impact consumers and doctors? The goal of the filmmakers is to create a solution that makes business sense for employers and health sense for employees. It is a compelling drama that reveals the truth of pharma cost and what we can do about it.

Discussion Facilitators: Mindy Greiling, former Minnesota State Representative and RAAMHP Leadership team member, Mathieu Landretti

Further information, contact Valerie Swenson: Ramsey4MHP@gmail.com

Fix It movie series links:https://fixithealthcare.com/watch-the-movie/big-pharma-movie/
For website issues please email: webmaster@fixithealthcare.com